Hendon Sidings
Our Contribution was varied and showed the full range of DWS Ecology
- Badger Survey
- Bat Surveys
- Reptile Surveys
- Lepidoptera Surveys
- Extended Phase 1 Survey
- NVC Survey
- Breeding Bird Survey
- Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Plan
Hendon Siding is a disused railway sidings covering 29.32 ha and is situated directly adjacent to the port of Sunderland, County Durham. The site is made up of varying levels creating shaded ravines, vertical walls as well as hard standing and open grassland. It is now in a moderately advanced state of succession with relatively little un-vegetated substrate remaining and scrub scattered throughout.
The site is bounded by Sunderland Port to the east, housing and industry to the east and north, with the River Wear just 350 metres to the north. To the south, the site continues for another 1.5km but narrows significantly.
The local authority identified Hendon Sidings as a potential site that will help contribute the expansion of the port. Durham Wildlife Services were commissioned to ascertain how and where sustainable development could take place while complying with European and UK legislation pertaining to species and habitats. An ecological assessment was undertaken for bats, birds, badgers, lepidoptera and reptiles as well as botanical surveys.
The findings from the surveys were used to inform an ecological and mitigation enhancement plan to help the local authority develop a master plan for the site. The plan will be used to guide development as well as safeguarding important habitats for priority species and wildlife corridors.